In the adult human spine has four bending in the sagittal plane. Curves convex forward called lordosis, bends convexity ago - kyphosis. Thanks to them we gain a correct posture: the torso and the head kept upright, the chest at a flat line protruding abdomen, lower extremities, ie legs, stand straight and strong. Sometimes the patient is frightened, looking at his own X-ray of the spine.
A frightened not really need: All right, so it must be formed the backbone of a healthy person. This is only a baby, he looks different. Their spines are not yet kyphosis and lordosis. All natural physiological curves - and kyphosis, and lordosis are useful and absolutely necessary. Thanks to them, the spine can withstand the axial load is 18 times greater than the concrete post of the same thickness. Kyphosis and lordosis attached to our spine unusual property-elastic property. That is why our spinal column has the ability during physical work of distributing a dangerous strain on all of its divisions relatively evenly.
Quite otherwise respond to the impact of the aggressive forces of the concrete pole: over time, there arise "pain points", cracks, and it breaks. The size and severity of physiological curves are different, they depend on the characteristics of each person - because in the details, people are different, they are only in general construction is the same. Another thing, when a constant misuse of the body, or any other circumstances, the spine curves are modified and become pronounced painful form. It is the malady. How does he look like? For example, like this: the spin acquires stooping form, her shoulders dropped, the chest becomes somewhat плосковатой ... "His life is bent" - say about a man with a pronounced thoracic kyphosis. Yes, it is often the case with the elderly and senile age. But when we stoop-shouldered young man - is primarily a manifestation of the disease, rather than the hard life and old age. Initially stoop deliver only cosmetic inconvenience. But eventually appear and become persistent back pain that interferes with and learning and work, and recreation. And what happens in the spine? Bodies are deformed vertebrae, intervertebral discs are compressed. Slouch - a disease spread, but the sick often learns about it too late. But development can be prevented by regular stoop, "home" means. If 12-13 years in the child began to take shape slouch, but it did not pay proper attention, then stoop to adolescence can become a "round the back" ... And then it is unlikely to straighten even the most experienced doctor.
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A frightened not really need: All right, so it must be formed the backbone of a healthy person. This is only a baby, he looks different. Their spines are not yet kyphosis and lordosis. All natural physiological curves - and kyphosis, and lordosis are useful and absolutely necessary. Thanks to them, the spine can withstand the axial load is 18 times greater than the concrete post of the same thickness. Kyphosis and lordosis attached to our spine unusual property-elastic property. That is why our spinal column has the ability during physical work of distributing a dangerous strain on all of its divisions relatively evenly.
Quite otherwise respond to the impact of the aggressive forces of the concrete pole: over time, there arise "pain points", cracks, and it breaks. The size and severity of physiological curves are different, they depend on the characteristics of each person - because in the details, people are different, they are only in general construction is the same. Another thing, when a constant misuse of the body, or any other circumstances, the spine curves are modified and become pronounced painful form. It is the malady. How does he look like? For example, like this: the spin acquires stooping form, her shoulders dropped, the chest becomes somewhat плосковатой ... "His life is bent" - say about a man with a pronounced thoracic kyphosis. Yes, it is often the case with the elderly and senile age. But when we stoop-shouldered young man - is primarily a manifestation of the disease, rather than the hard life and old age. Initially stoop deliver only cosmetic inconvenience. But eventually appear and become persistent back pain that interferes with and learning and work, and recreation. And what happens in the spine? Bodies are deformed vertebrae, intervertebral discs are compressed. Slouch - a disease spread, but the sick often learns about it too late. But development can be prevented by regular stoop, "home" means. If 12-13 years in the child began to take shape slouch, but it did not pay proper attention, then stoop to adolescence can become a "round the back" ... And then it is unlikely to straighten even the most experienced doctor.
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